401(k) — In the United States of America, a 401(k) plan allows a worker to save for retirement while deferring income taxes on the saved money and earnings until withdrawal. The employee elects to have a portion of his or her wage paid directly, or… … Wikipedia
403(b) — A 403(b) plan is a tax advantaged retirement savings plan available for public education organizations, some non profit employers (only US Tax Code 501(c)(3) organizations), and self employed ministers in the United States. It has tax treatment… … Wikipedia
Nonqualified deferred compensation — In the United States, the question whether any compensation plan is qualified or non qualified is primarily a question of taxation under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Any business prefers to deduct its expenses from its income, which will… … Wikipedia
Military service — For military service in the meaning of an army as a military defense organization, see Armed forces. For state mandated military service, see Conscription. For the feudal institution, see Knight service. Military service, in its simplest sense,… … Wikipedia
Mitt Romney — Mitt Romney … Wikipedia
Tax Reform Act of 1986 — The U.S. Congress passed the Tax Reform Act (TRA) of 1986, (USStatute|99|514|100|2085|1986|10|22) to simplify the income tax code, broaden the tax base and eliminate many tax shelters and other preferences. Although often referred to as the… … Wikipedia